venerdì 25 settembre 2015

Heist n


Traducendo Burgle Bros. ho imparato questo vocabolo.

heist n(robbery)rapina nf, colpo nm

Players are members of the Burgle Bros., an elite crew that can pull off impossible heists.
Fate parte dei Burgle Bros., un gruppo d'elite che può portare a termine rapine impossibili.

martedì 22 settembre 2015

Scheming adj


Traducendo The King is Dead ho imparato questo vocabolo.

scheming adj(person: devious)intrigante agg, che trama, che complotta
scheming n(making of plans, plotting)ideazione di un piano, creazione di una trama nf

Whether a loyal knight, a scheming lord, or an ambitious noblewoman, you have one thing in common: power.
Che siate un leale cavaliere, un subdolo signore o un'ambiziosa nobildonna, avete una cosa in comune: il potere.

lunedì 21 settembre 2015

Leggere un file XML

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * DECLARATIONS * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: BEGIN OF gt_xls OCCURS 0, kdmat LIKE VBAP-KDMAT, zhtccd LIKE ZSD_TRU_HTC_MAT-ZHTCCD, ihrez_e LIKE VBKD-IHREZ_E, taxm1(3) TYPE C, kbmeng LIKE VBAP-KBMENG, zzccn LIKE ZSD_TRU_CCN-ZZCCN, zprgccn LIKE VBAP-ZPRGCCN, END OF gt_xls. DATA: BEGIN OF gs_vat, sign TYPE I, rate TYPE F, END OF gs_vat. DATA: BEGIN OF gs_ggd, kdmat LIKE VBAP-KDMAT, kbmeng LIKE VBAP-KBMENG, END OF gs_ggd. DATA: BEGIN OF gt_ggd, ggdln LIKE TABLE OF gs_ggd, END OF gt_ggd. DATA: BEGIN OF gs_xml, zprgccn LIKE VBAP-ZPRGCCN, zhtccd LIKE ZSD_TRU_HTC_MAT-ZHTCCD, ihrez_e LIKE VBKD-IHREZ_E, vattb LIKE TABLE OF gs_vat, ggdtb LIKE TABLE OF gt_ggd, END OF gs_xml. DATA: gt_xml LIKE TABLE OF gs_xml. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * LAYOUT * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* PARAMETERS: pa_local(255) TYPE C LOWER CASE OBLIGATORY. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM READ_XML * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_xml. DATA: BEGIN OF lt_txt OCCURS 0, line TYPE STRING, END OF lt_txt. DATA: lv_string TYPE STRING. lv_string = pa_local. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = lv_string TABLES DATA_TAB = lt_txt. CLEAR lv_string. LOOP AT lt_txt. CONCATENATE lv_string lt_txt-line INTO lv_string. ENDLOOP. CALL TRANSFORMATION ZTRU_CCN SOURCE XML lv_string RESULT root = gt_xml. SEARCH pa_local FOR 'Container_'. SHIFT pa_local BY SY-FDPOS PLACES LEFT. SHIFT pa_local BY 10 PLACES LEFT. REPLACE '_' WITH '/' INTO pa_local. REPLACE '_' WITH '/' INTO pa_local. LOOP AT gt_xml INTO gs_xml. gt_xls-zprgccn = gs_xml-zprgccn. gt_xls-zhtccd = gs_xml-zhtccd. gt_xls-ihrez_e = gs_xml-ihrez_e. LOOP AT gs_xml-vattb INTO gs_vat WHERE sign = 4. IF gs_vat-rate = '18'. gt_xls-taxm1 = '18%'. ELSE. gt_xls-taxm1 = '10%'. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. gt_xls-zzccn = pa_local(23). LOOP AT gs_xml-ggdtb INTO gt_ggd. LOOP AT gt_ggd-ggdln INTO gs_ggd. gt_xls-kdmat = gs_ggd-kdmat. gt_xls-kbmeng = gs_ggd-kbmeng. APPEND gt_xls. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. CLEAR gt_xls. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "read_xml *----------------------------------------------------------------------* Trasformazione ZTRU_CCN <!--sap.transform simple?--> <tt:transform xmlns:tt="" xmlns:cat_ru="" xmlns:catESAD_ru="" template="tmpl1"> <tt:root name="ROOT"/> <tt:template name="tmpl1"> <ED_Container xmlns="" xmlns:clt_ru=""> <tt:skip name="cat_ru:DocumentID"/> <FullSetIndicator> <tt:skip/> </FullSetIndicator> <ContainerDoc> <DocBody> <ESADout xmlns="" xmlns:cltESAD_ru=""> <tt:skip name="cat_ru:DocumentID"/> <CustomsProcedure> <tt:skip/> </CustomsProcedure> <CustomsModeCode> <tt:skip/> </CustomsModeCode> <COMPLECTBL> <tt:skip/> </COMPLECTBL> <ESADoutGoodsShipment> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:OriginCountryName"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TotalGoodsNumber"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TotalPackageNumber"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TotalSheetNumber"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TotalCustCost"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:CustCostCurrencyCode"/> <ESADoutConsignor> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutConsignor> <ESADoutConsignee> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutConsignee> <ESADoutFinancialAdjustingResponsiblePerson> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutFinancialAdjustingResponsiblePerson> <ESADoutDeclarant> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutDeclarant> <ESADoutGoodsLocation> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutGoodsLocation> <ESADoutConsigment> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutConsigment> <ESADoutMainContractTerms> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutMainContractTerms> <tt:loop name="line" ref=".ROOT"> <ESADoutGoods> <catESAD_ru:GoodsNumeric> <tt:value ref="$line.zprgccn"/> </catESAD_ru:GoodsNumeric> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:GoodsDescription"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:GrossWeightQuantity"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:NetWeightQuantity"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:InvoicedCost"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:CustomsCost"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:StatisticalCost"/> <catESAD_ru:GoodsTNVEDCode> <tt:value ref="$line.zhtccd"/> </catESAD_ru:GoodsTNVEDCode> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:AdditionalSign"/> <catESAD_ru:OriginCountryCode> <tt:value ref="$line.ihrez_e"/> </catESAD_ru:OriginCountryCode> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:OriginCountryName"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:CountryCodeIndicator"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:Preferencii"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:ConformityStatCostIndicator"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:CustomsCostCorrectMethod"/> <tt:loop name="ggdtb" ref="$line.ggdtb"> <catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupDescription> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:GoodsDescription"/> <tt:loop name="ggdln" ref="$ggdtb.ggdln"> <catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupInformation> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:Manufacturer"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TradeMark"/> <tt:group> <tt:cond frq="?"> <catESAD_ru:GoodsMarking> <tt:value ref="$ggdln.kdmat"/> </catESAD_ru:GoodsMarking> </tt:cond> <tt:cond frq="?"> <catESAD_ru:Dimensions> <tt:skip/> </catESAD_ru:Dimensions> </tt:cond> <tt:cond frq="?"> <catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupQuantity> <catESAD_ru:GoodsQuantity> <tt:value ref="$ggdln.kbmeng"/> </catESAD_ru:GoodsQuantity> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:MeasureUnitQualifierName"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:MeasureUnitQualifierCode"/> </catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupQuantity> </tt:cond> </tt:group> </catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupInformation> </tt:loop> </catESAD_ru:GoodsGroupDescription> </tt:loop> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:AdditionalSheetCount"/> <tt:group> <tt:cond frq="?"> <catESAD_ru:FormNumber> <tt:skip/> </catESAD_ru:FormNumber> </tt:cond> </tt:group> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:ESADGoodsPackaging"/> <tt:group> <tt:cond frq="?"> <catESAD_ru:SupplementaryGoodsQuantity> <tt:skip/> </catESAD_ru:SupplementaryGoodsQuantity> </tt:cond> </tt:group> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:ESADCustomsProcedure"/> <ESADoutPresentedDocument> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutPresentedDocument> <tt:loop name="vattb" ref="$line.vattb"> <ESADoutCustomsPaymentCalculation> <catESAD_ru:CustomsPaymentSign> <tt:value ref="$vattb.sign"/> </catESAD_ru:CustomsPaymentSign> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:PaymentModeCode"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:PaymentAmount"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:PaymentCurrencyCode"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TaxBase"/> <tt:skip name="catESAD_ru:TaxBaseCurrencyCode"/> <catESAD_ru:Rate> <tt:value ref="$vattb.rate"/> </catESAD_ru:Rate> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutCustomsPaymentCalculation> </tt:loop> <ESADoutGoodsOrganization> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutGoodsOrganization> </ESADoutGoods> </tt:loop> <ESADoutPayments> <tt:skip/> </ESADoutPayments> </ESADoutGoodsShipment> </ESADout> </DocBody> </ContainerDoc> <tt:skip/> </ED_Container> </tt:template> </tt:transform>

martedì 15 settembre 2015

Treacherous adj


Traducendo Amber Route ho imparato questo vocabolo.

treacherous adj(person: disloyal)sleale, infido, viscido agg
treacherous adjfigurative (conditions: dangerous)pericoloso agg
treacherous adjfigurative (memory, etc.: unreliable)traditore, infido agg

But remember that the path you are about to take is treacherous. There are traps, ominous creatures and ancient magic ahead.
Ma ricordate che la via che state per intraprendere è infida. Davanti a voi avete trappole, minacciose creature e magia antica.

lunedì 14 settembre 2015

Snitch n


Traducendo Gang Up! ho imparato questo vocabolo.

snitch nslang (informer)spione, informatore, soffia nm, spia nf
Gang members don't tolerate snitches.
I membri della gang non tollerano le spie.
snitch vislang (be an informer)fare la spia vtr
If you snitch and they find out, they'll kill you.
Se fai la spia e ti scoprono, ti uccidono.
snitch on [sb] vislang (inform on [sb])fare il nome di qlcn vtr, cantare vi

During the Gangster phase you can make a Snitch-switch; and trade a Gangster from your hand with one in Jail, if the jailed Gangster has a lower Status.
Durante la fase Gangster potete fare uno scambio di informatore: scambiare un Gangster nella vostra mano con uno in Prigione, se il Gangster al fresco ha uno Status inferiore.