martedì 26 gennaio 2016
Alba di fuoco, Clive Cussler e Dirk Cussler
Di Clive Cussler, Dirk Cussler
Editore: Longanesi (La Gaja scienza; 1012)
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 512 | Isbn-13: 9788830430945 | Data di pubblicazione: 01/05/2011 | Traduttore: Seba Pezzani | Genere: Narrativa & Letteratura - Mistero & Gialli - Attività all'aperto & Avventura
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Commenta per primo!
Etichette: letture cartacee, libri
giovedì 21 gennaio 2016
Adjoining adj
English | Italiano | |
adjoining adj | (connecting, next) | contiguo, adiacente, attiguo, limitrofo, confinante agg |
They put us in adjoining rooms at the hotel. | ||
Nell'albergo ci hanno messi in camere contigue. | ||
adjoining prep | (room, building: next to) | accanto a, vicino a prep |
The bathroom adjoining the main bedroom is equipped with a shower and jacuzzi. | ||
Il bagno accanto alla camera principale è dotato di una doccia e di una vasca idromassaggio. |
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Commenta per primo!
Etichette: traduzioni
Delitto e castigo, Fedor M. Dostoevskij
Di Fedor M. Dostoevskij
Editore: Rizzoli (BUR)
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 624 | Isbn-13: 9788817124553 | Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/1983 | Genere: Criminalità - Narrativa & Letteratura - Filosofia
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Commenta per primo!
Etichette: letture digitali, libri
martedì 19 gennaio 2016
Esportare un file di Excel complesso
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * DECLARATIONS * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_out1, ltext TYPE LTEXT, waers TYPE WAERS_CURC, wday01 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday02 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday03 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday04 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday05 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday06 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday07 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday08 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday09 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday10 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday11 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday12 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday13 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday14 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday15 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday16 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday17 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday18 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday19 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday20 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday21 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday22 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, wday23 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, montha TYPE P DECIMALS 5, END OF ty_out1. DATA: gt_out1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out1, gs_out1 LIKE LINE OF gt_out1. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_out2, ltext TYPE LTEXT, waers TYPE WAERS_CURC, month01 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month02 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month03 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month04 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month05 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month06 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month07 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month08 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month09 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month10 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month11 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month12 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, montha TYPE P DECIMALS 5, END OF ty_out2. DATA: gt_out2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out2, gs_out2 LIKE LINE OF gt_out2. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_out3, ltext TYPE LTEXT, waers TYPE WAERS_CURC, month01 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month02 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month03 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month04 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month05 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month06 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month07 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month08 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month09 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month10 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month11 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, month12 TYPE P DECIMALS 5, montha TYPE P DECIMALS 5, END OF ty_out3. DATA: gt_out3 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out3, gs_out3 LIKE LINE OF gt_out3. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_out4, ltext TYPE LTEXT, waers TYPE WAERS_CURC, vseur TYPE P DECIMALS 5, vsitl TYPE P DECIMALS 5, END OF ty_out4. DATA: gt_out4 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_out4, gs_out4 LIKE LINE OF gt_out4. DATA: gt_fieldcat1 TYPE LVC_T_FCAT. DATA: gv_mese TYPE FCMNR, gv_anno(4) TYPE N, gv_url TYPE C LENGTH 256. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM OUTPUT_XLS * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM output_xls. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lf_campo> TYPE ANY. DATA: lo_container TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER, li_control TYPE REF TO I_OI_CONTAINER_CONTROL, li_document TYPE REF TO I_OI_DOCUMENT_PROXY, li_spreadsheet TYPE REF TO I_OI_SPREADSHEET, li_error TYPE REF TO I_OI_ERROR, lt_cell_format TYPE soi_cell_table, ls_cell_format LIKE LINE OF lt_cell_format, lt_rfc_fields TYPE TABLE OF rfc_fields, lv_lines TYPE I, lv_col TYPE I, lv_first TYPE I, lv_last TYPE I, ls_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat, lv_mesei TYPE FCMNR, lv_mesec(9) TYPE C. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_title, ltext TYPE LTEXT, END OF ty_title. DATA: lt_title TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_title, ls_title LIKE LINE OF lt_title. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_header1, ltext1 TYPE LTEXT, ltext2 TYPE LTEXT, ltext3 TYPE LTEXT, ltext4 TYPE LTEXT, ltext5 TYPE LTEXT, ltext6 TYPE LTEXT, ltext7 TYPE LTEXT, ltext8 TYPE LTEXT, ltext9 TYPE LTEXT, ltext10 TYPE LTEXT, ltext11 TYPE LTEXT, ltext12 TYPE LTEXT, ltext13 TYPE LTEXT, ltext14 TYPE LTEXT, ltext15 TYPE LTEXT, ltext16 TYPE LTEXT, ltext17 TYPE LTEXT, ltext18 TYPE LTEXT, ltext19 TYPE LTEXT, ltext20 TYPE LTEXT, ltext21 TYPE LTEXT, ltext22 TYPE LTEXT, ltext23 TYPE LTEXT, ltext24 TYPE LTEXT, ltext25 TYPE LTEXT, ltext26 TYPE LTEXT, END OF ty_header1. DATA: lt_header1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_header1, ls_header1 LIKE LINE OF lt_header1. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_header2, ltext1 TYPE LTEXT, ltext2 TYPE LTEXT, ltext3 TYPE LTEXT, ltext4 TYPE LTEXT, ltext5 TYPE LTEXT, ltext6 TYPE LTEXT, ltext7 TYPE LTEXT, ltext8 TYPE LTEXT, ltext9 TYPE LTEXT, ltext10 TYPE LTEXT, ltext11 TYPE LTEXT, ltext12 TYPE LTEXT, ltext13 TYPE LTEXT, ltext14 TYPE LTEXT, ltext15 TYPE LTEXT, END OF ty_header2. DATA: lt_header2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_header2, ls_header2 LIKE LINE OF lt_header2. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_header4, ltext1 TYPE LTEXT, ltext2 TYPE LTEXT, ltext3 TYPE LTEXT, ltext4 TYPE LTEXT, END OF ty_header4. DATA: lt_header4 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_header4, ls_header4 LIKE LINE OF lt_header4. C_OI_CONTAINER_CONTROL_CREATOR=>GET_CONTAINER_CONTROL( IMPORTING CONTROL = li_control ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT lo_container EXPORTING CONTAINER_NAME = 'CONT' EXCEPTIONS CNTL_ERROR = 1 CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2 CREATE_ERROR = 3 LIFETIME_ERROR = 4 LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE E001(00) WITH 'Error while creating container'. ENDIF. li_control->init_control( EXPORTING INPLACE_ENABLED = 'X' R3_APPLICATION_NAME = 'EXCEL CONTAINER' PARENT = lo_container IMPORTING ERROR = li_error EXCEPTIONS JAVABEANNOTSUPPORTED = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_control->get_document_proxy( EXPORTING DOCUMENT_TYPE = SOI_DOCTYPE_EXCEL_SHEET IMPORTING DOCUMENT_PROXY = li_document ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_document->create_document( EXPORTING DOCUMENT_TITLE = 'Excel' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_document->get_spreadsheet_interface( EXPORTING NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING SHEET_INTERFACE = li_spreadsheet ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ********************************TITOLO******************************* li_spreadsheet->add_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = 'Parita fisse' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->select_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = 'Parita fisse' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ls_title-ltext = 'DIVISE IN PARITÀ FISSA'. APPEND ls_title TO lt_title. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 2 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rTitolo' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_title[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_title[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rTitolo' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ********************************HEADER******************************* ls_header4-ltext1 = 'DIVISA'. ls_header4-ltext2 = 'SIGLA'. ls_header4-ltext3 = 'PARITÀ vs EUR'. ls_header4-ltext4 = 'CROSS vs ITL'. APPEND ls_header4 TO lt_header4. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 4 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rHeader4' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 4 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_header4[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_header4[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rHeader4' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *********************************BODY******************************** li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 6 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rBody4' ROWS = 12 COLUMNS = 4 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. PERFORM get_data4. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = gt_out4[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = gt_out4[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rBody4' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->fit_widest( EXPORTING NAME = 'rHeader4' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *TITOLO CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 2. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Arial'. ls_cell_format-size = 12. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = -1. ls_cell_format-framecolor = -1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN1 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 13. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 2. ls_cell_format-rows = 13. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN3 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 3. ls_cell_format-rows = 13. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 6. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN4 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 4. ls_cell_format-rows = 13. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 5. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY LAST LINE CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 18. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 4. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 125. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *HEADER CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 4. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 4. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 191. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. li_spreadsheet->cell_format( EXPORTING CELLS = lt_cell_format ). CLEAR: lt_title[], lt_cell_format. ********************************TITOLO******************************* li_spreadsheet->add_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = 'medieanno' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->select_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = 'medieanno' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ls_title-ltext = 'CAMBI MEDI contro EUR'. APPEND ls_title TO lt_title. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 2 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rTitolo' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_title[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_title[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rTitolo' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ********************************HEADER******************************* ls_header2-ltext1 = 'DIVISA'. ls_header2-ltext2 = 'SIGLA'. ls_header2-ltext3 = 'GENNAIO'. ls_header2-ltext4 = 'FEBBRAIO'. ls_header2-ltext5 = 'MARZO'. ls_header2-ltext6 = 'APRILE'. ls_header2-ltext7 = 'MAGGIO'. ls_header2-ltext8 = 'GIUGNO'. ls_header2-ltext9 = 'LUGLIO'. ls_header2-ltext10 = 'AGOSTO'. ls_header2-ltext11 = 'SETTEMBRE'. ls_header2-ltext12 = 'OTTOBRE'. ls_header2-ltext13 = 'NOVEMBRE'. ls_header2-ltext14 = 'DICEMBRE'. ls_header2-ltext15 = 'MEDIE ANNUE'. APPEND ls_header2 TO lt_header2. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 4 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rHeader2' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 15 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_header2[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_header2[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rHeader2' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *********************************BODY******************************** li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 6 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. PERFORM get_data2. DESCRIBE TABLE gt_out2 LINES lv_lines. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rBody2' ROWS = lv_lines COLUMNS = 15 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = gt_out2[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = gt_out2[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rBody2' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->fit_widest( EXPORTING NAME = 'rBody2' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *TITOLO CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 2. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Arial'. ls_cell_format-size = 12. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = -1. ls_cell_format-framecolor = -1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN1 ADD 1 to lv_lines. CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 2. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN3-14 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 3. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 12. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 95. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 5. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN15 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 15. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 5. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY LAST LINE ADD 5 to lv_lines. CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 15. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 125. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *HEADER CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 4. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 15. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 191. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. li_spreadsheet->cell_format( EXPORTING CELLS = lt_cell_format ). CLEAR: lt_title[], lt_cell_format. ********************************TITOLO******************************* lv_mesei = gv_mese. WHILE gv_mese > 0. CASE gv_mese. WHEN 1. lv_mesec = 'gennaio'. WHEN 2. lv_mesec = 'febbraio'. WHEN 3. lv_mesec = 'marzo'. WHEN 4. lv_mesec = 'aprile'. WHEN 5. lv_mesec = 'maggio'. WHEN 6. lv_mesec = 'giugno'. WHEN 7. lv_mesec = 'luglio'. WHEN 8. lv_mesec = 'agosto'. WHEN 9. lv_mesec = 'settembre'. WHEN 10. lv_mesec = 'ottobre'. WHEN 11. lv_mesec = 'novembre'. WHEN 12. lv_mesec = 'dicembre'. ENDCASE. li_spreadsheet->add_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = lv_mesec NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->select_sheet( EXPORTING NAME = lv_mesec NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CLEAR lt_title[]. ls_title-ltext = 'CAMBI contro EUR'. APPEND ls_title TO lt_title. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 2 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rTitolo' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_title[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_title[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rTitolo' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. ********************************HEADER******************************* CLEAR: ls_header1, lt_header1[]. ls_header1-ltext1 = 'DIVISA'. ls_header1-ltext2 = 'SIGLA'. PERFORM fieldcat1. LOOP AT gt_fieldcat1 INTO ls_fieldcat. CASE ls_fieldcat-col_pos. WHEN 4. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext3. WHEN 5. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext4. WHEN 6. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext5. WHEN 7. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext6. WHEN 8. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext7. WHEN 9. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext8. WHEN 10. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext9. WHEN 11. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext10. WHEN 12. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext11. WHEN 13. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext12. WHEN 14. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext13. WHEN 15. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext14. WHEN 16. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext15. WHEN 17. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext16. WHEN 18. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext17. WHEN 19. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext18. WHEN 20. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext19. WHEN 21. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext20. WHEN 22. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext21. WHEN 23. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext22. WHEN 24. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext23. WHEN 25. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext24. WHEN 26. CONCATENATE '''' ls_fieldcat-reptext INTO ls_header1-ltext25. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ls_header1-ltext26 = 'media mensile'. APPEND ls_header1 TO lt_header1. li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 4 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rHeader1' ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 26 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = lt_header1[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = lt_header1[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rHeader1' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *********************************BODY******************************** li_spreadsheet->set_selection( EXPORTING TOP = 6 LEFT = 1 ROWS = 1 COLUMNS = 1 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. PERFORM get_data1. DESCRIBE TABLE gt_out1 LINES lv_lines. li_spreadsheet->insert_range( EXPORTING NAME = 'rBody1' ROWS = lv_lines COLUMNS = 26 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DP_GET_FIELDS_FROM_TABLE' TABLES DATA = gt_out1[] FIELDS = lt_rfc_fields. li_spreadsheet->insert_one_table( EXPORTING DATA_TABLE = gt_out1[] FIELDS_TABLE = lt_rfc_fields RANGENAME = 'rBody1' WHOLETABLE = 'X' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. li_spreadsheet->fit_widest( EXPORTING NAME = 'rBody1' NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. *TITOLO CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 2. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Arial'. ls_cell_format-size = 12. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = -1. ls_cell_format-framecolor = -1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN1 ADD 1 to lv_lines. CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 2. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN3-25 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 3. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 23. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 95. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 5. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY COLUMN26 CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 5. ls_cell_format-left = 26. ls_cell_format-rows = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-columns = 1. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-size = 10. ls_cell_format-bold = 0. ls_cell_format-italic = 0. ls_cell_format-align = 2. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 73. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. ls_cell_format-number = 1. ls_cell_format-decimals = 5. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *BODY LAST LINE ADD 5 to lv_lines. CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = lv_lines. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 26. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 125. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. *HEADER CLEAR ls_cell_format. ls_cell_format-top = 4. ls_cell_format-left = 1. ls_cell_format-rows = 1. ls_cell_format-columns = 26. ls_cell_format-front = -1. ls_cell_format-back = -1. ls_cell_format-font = 'Courier New'. ls_cell_format-bold = 1. ls_cell_format-align = -1. ls_cell_format-frametyp = 191. ls_cell_format-framecolor = 1. APPEND ls_cell_format TO lt_cell_format. li_spreadsheet->cell_format( EXPORTING CELLS = lt_cell_format ). CLEAR lt_cell_format[]. li_spreadsheet->set_fixed_cols( EXPORTING COLUMNS = 2 NO_FLUSH = ' ' IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. lv_col = 25. WHILE lv_col > 3. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_col OF STRUCTURE ls_header1 TO <lf_campo>. IF <lf_campo> IS INITIAL. lv_first = lv_col. IF lv_last IS INITIAL. lv_last = lv_col. ENDIF. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. SUBTRACT 1 FROM lv_col. ENDWHILE. IF lv_last IS NOT INITIAL. li_spreadsheet->hide_columns( EXPORTING NAME = lv_mesec NO_FLUSH = ' ' FIRST = lv_first LAST = lv_last IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. CLEAR: lv_first, lv_last. ENDIF. SUBTRACT 1 FROM gv_mese. ENDWHILE. gv_mese = lv_mesei. PERFORM get_data1. CONCATENATE 'FILE://' gv_url INTO gv_url. li_document->save_document_to_url( EXPORTING URL = gv_url IMPORTING ERROR = li_error ). IF li_error->has_failed = 'X'. li_error->raise_message( 'E' ). ENDIF. SHIFT gv_url BY 7 PLACES. ENDFORM. "output_xls
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Etichette: ABAP
giovedì 14 gennaio 2016
Lid n
English | Italiano | |
lid n | (top, cover) | coperchio nm |
Dean pulled the lid off of the container. | ||
Dean ha tolto il coperchio dal recipiente. | ||
lid n | often plural (eyelid) | palpebra nf |
Kate put some eye shadow on her upper lids. | ||
Kate si è messa un po' di ombretto sulle palpebre superiori. | ||
lid n | figurative (price ceiling) | tetto, limite nm |
Congress put a lid on discretionary spending this year. | ||
Quest'anno il congresso ha fissato un tetto alle spese discrezionali. |
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Etichette: traduzioni
lunedì 11 gennaio 2016
Sguardo cieco, Robin Cook
Di Robin Cook
Editore: Sperling & Kupfer
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 340 | Isbn-13: 9788820016142 | Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/1993 | Traduttore: Laura Pignatti | Genere: Narrativa & Letteratura - Medical Thriller
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Etichette: letture cartacee, libri
mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016
Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon
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Etichette: Kickstarter
martedì 5 gennaio 2016
Tutti i racconti (1897-1922), H.P. Lovecraft
Di H. P. Lovecraft
Editore: Mondadori (Oscar Narrativa 993)
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 418 | Isbn-13: 9788804320944 | Data di pubblicazione: 01/06/1989 | Traduttore: Giuseppe Lippi | Illustrazione di copertina: Karel Thole | Genere: Narrativa & Letteratura - Mistero & Gialli - Horror - Fantascienza & Fantasy
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Etichette: letture digitali, libri
lunedì 4 gennaio 2016
Marçela sotto un'acerba luna, Alberto Davanzo
Di Alberto Davanzo
Editore: Ilmiolibro
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 252 | Isbn-13: 9788891098894 | Data di pubblicazione: 29/08/2015 | Genere: Narrativa & Letteratura
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Etichette: letture digitali, libri
domenica 3 gennaio 2016
La meccanica del cuore, Mathias Malzieu
Di Mathias Malzieu
Editore: Feltrinelli (U.E. 8162)
Lingua: Italiano | Numero di pagine: 145 | Isbn-13: 9788807881626 | Data di pubblicazione: 01/05/2013 | Traduttore: Cinzia Poli | Genere: Famiglia, Sesso & Relazioni - Narrativa & Letteratura - Fantascienza & Fantasy
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Etichette: letture cartacee, libri